Welcome to Franciscan Clarist Congregation

Alphonsa Bhavan,Bangalore
AlphonsaBhavan Christ school road, Dharmaram College P. O Bangalore Karnataka 560029

Alphonsa Bhavan Bangalore is inaugurated on 25th February 1991 considering the need of having a Study House in Bangalore. One year juniorate was conducted for the junior sisters of Mission Provinces. After that year, the congregation decided to initiate a one-year study programme called SAKALYA in the year 1992 in connection with the celebration of the 8th Birth Centenary of St. Clare. This has been envisaged as part of the ongoing formation programme of the congregation for sisters of the age group of 30 to 55 of different apostolates to promote the Franciscan Charism, for self-renewal and for refreshment. The study programme includes three main areas of study. They are Sacred Scripture, Psycho-spiritual integration and Franciscan Spirituality to help the participants to attain fullness and sanctity through this course. The vision of SAKALYA is a life of “Wholeness and Holiness”. Its duration is for nine months. The academic year begins in June and ends in March. Around 700 sisters completed this course up to this year. This nine-month course definitely is an opportunity to be rooted in Scripture and in Franciscan Spirituality in a reconstructed personality through psycho-spiritual integration.