Welcome to Franciscan Clarist Congregation

0484 - 2838588
Asokapuram P.O Aluva Kerala India 683 101

a. FCC Centre of Theology

The common Juniorate course for integrated training of junior sisters was launched in Portiuncula on 15th May 1973. This course helps sisters to deepen in the spirit of FCC, keep up the unity of the congregation and intensify their prayer life and remould their personalities. The Holy Bible, Theology, Liturgy, Franciscan Spirituality, Religious Life and other contemporary topics are included in the syllabus of their study programme. As part of ensuring the quality of the Juniorate programme, it was affiliated with the Pontifical Institute of Theology and Philosophy at Aluva in 2012. This affiliation was first obtained temporarily and it became permanent in 2015. Under the guidance of the faculty members of Pontifical seminary Aluva, viva voce, comprehensive examinations etc. are conducted for the junior sisters. Also, they get the opportunity to participate in international seminars conducted in the Pontifical Seminary.

b. Library                                                                                                                                                                                      

In the Generalate we have a well-furnished Library containing about 10000 books. The reference section is very rich and efficient. The sisters are encouraged to make use of the Library for their study, research work etc. Books are issued for two weeks and they could be reissued for a second time. These books are effectively used by our sisters.

c. Prayer House

The two months’ prayer and the intercessory prayer of one year are a divine plan to channel God’s blessings to the entire world following the example of St. Clare, who always prayed to God for the Church and the whole world. On 15th August 1979, a part of Portiuncula was converted into a prayer house and two months of prayer was inaugurated. One year of intercessory prayer was begun on 17th September 2010. Sisters get an opportunity to withdraw from their busy apostolate and to be alone with the Lord and to be revived in Spirit. Through classes, the sacrament of reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, counselling, fasting, holy hours and night vigil the sisters are led to God experience.