Welcome to Franciscan Clarist Congregation

SanthiDham FCC Study House,Indore
Shanti Dham F CC study House Behind Electronic Complex Sukhiliya, Vijayanagar P. O Indore

It was the long cherished dream of the Franciscan Clarist congregation to have a common Juniorate for the Missionaries in North India. Shanti Dham FCC study house was the fulfilment of this long cherished dream. It was inaugurated on 8th July 2006 By Rev. Mother Ceelia and the Blessing of the house was done by the late Bishop George Anathil, Bishop of Indore. Shantidham is set apart to promote the Franciscan charism and to provide integral formation for our young junior sisters. It is established in Indore, MP for the formation of the Junior sisters of the mission provinces.

Goal: To enable sisters to grow in holiness and wholeness by assimilating various dimensions of Consecrated life in FCC and to commit themselves to God and His people.

To provide theological foundation to the sisters and give them a better orientation in religious life.

To give them solid basis in Theology, Sacred Scripture and in Franciscan Spirituality with special attention to the particular charism of the congregation enabling them to be effective in ministries.
To help the sisters to lead a life of integrity being in union with God, fellow beings and the whole creation.
Every year in the month of June, Juniors enter into their Juniorate and their course ends in the month of February. It is open for other congregations too.